Sunday, May 16, 2021

Steady Progress

I don't have much to report in this devlog other than I've started adding the dialog for Nyx's route and I decided what the out what content I want to add for the next demo update, not counting any potential patches. I expanded on one island in the map and decided to cut another fairly large one that, I felt was out of place and made navigating around with the boat awkward.

Which, I hate having to do because I thought it was an interesting location and it was there for a long time, but I think it's probably for the best. I don't have any screenshots to show right now so I drew up some more art. Top-Bottom: Basilisk, Krasue, and Aello.

The basilisks are common enemies that live simple lives of pillaging and raping, both against humans and other demon tribes. The Krasue is a dangerous spirit that appears during rainy nights in the fields and constantly hungers for flesh. The last is Aello is a headstrong, virtuous harpy from the forest who appears in the demo hunting evil spirits. Despite her heroic ambitions, Aello often has bad luck and finds herself in trouble, but she always tries to keep her head up. She also doesn't get along very well with Nyx, though they're still friends.

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