Recently added:
-Rainstorms, it will sometimes get dark and start to rain in the overworld at random times. I don't want to say too much how much it effects the gameplay yet but tall structures like the spear shaped rocks around the ocean and mountains attract lightning.
Being worked on:
-The overworld map(40%), I put off finishing it because I wanted the demo out sooner and I wasn't satisfied with the intro areas yet. I want to finish it before most of the dungeon and interior locations so that it's easier to figure out how the player progresses through the game. The demo posted here only features a little bit of the overworld, most of it is actually in a dungeon like area though it's much bigger than a regular one.
-Fishing, I wanted to put this in the demo but I thought it would be better for a later update.
Will work on soon:
-Training room, someone suggested adding this as I know it takes some getting used to the combat. It will probably be added to the extras menu.
-Weapon upgrading, while the weapons in the demo have different stats and levels already implented there's no way to actually upgrade them yet. I was thinking of having an item that you can use to do it but I might use another or multiple methods.
-Gear, there's only one extra piece of gear you can find in the demo and another oufit that I decided to save for later. You can't take off Sasha's headphones in the demo but you will be able to equip other headgear over them in the future.
Things to fix:
-Mist Field layout, this area is easy to get lost in by design but there's a lot of parts to it that are unfinished and parts I'm not sure I'm satisfied with. It'll probably receive some heavy changes in later versions.
-Enemies dropping items, if you play the challenge mode you'll notice the enemies drop ammo and money here, and they also do this in the overworld. But they do it the form of a chest that can sometimes get the player stuck in some places or not able to open them since they can only be opened from the front, so I'll probably just make it a regular item drop from now on.
-Potential lag for low end computers, since I'm using Game Maker this always going to be an issue I have to think about. The overworld is in one very, very large room with thousands of objects so it's by far the worst offender. I'm still working on ways to optimize it further.
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