I was going to post an update before February but I had a lot to deal with last few weeks, including not having electricity for a couple days, but everything is back in order now. I manged to complete one stage in January and mostly finished planning the one remaining though there are a couple old stages I think need some heavy improvement that I've been doing this week.
At this point, 90% of the game is fully mapped out it's mostly a matter of just going through and drawing the assets+building everything. I should note again the game still has much development left to go however because I haven't made many new enemies or animations in a long time trying to get this part out of the way. When I started the game(as Nocturne) I had initially wanted to keep it short, shorter than MR at least and maybe only take around 4-5 hours or so to finish. I can pretty much confirm though the game will take most people much longer than that to play through, probably in the neighborhood of 10-15 hours without trying to find everything. Even though I cut down on the stage count over time, many of the existing ones are now twice as large and require backtracking to 100% and to make progress sometimes. There are a lot of key items now as well so I'm thinking I'm going to make a separate menu instead of just showing them on the bottom of the pause screen.
Anyway, the character here is Skye Chione, a harpy who lives in a castle hanging above the mountains near the city. The castle only appeared recently when the city of Shingetsu became overrun with demons, and Skye was a just a regular citizen beforehand, though she is a foreigner not fond of human society and it's laws, having grown up in the wilderness. She doesn't care about the current turmoil but finds amusement watching Kotone's struggle to deal with the situation, sometimes putting more obstacles in her path.
私は二月の前に更新を投稿する欲しいでしたでもここ数週間にたくさんことに対処しなければならないでした、二日には電気がないことも含めて。 でも今は正常に戻っています。一月に一ステージをすんで残り一が大半に企画を済んでした。けどまだ数のステージを練習に戻ってしないと感じはもあります。この時点で、ゲームの地図が90%企画されており、あとはアセットを描き、すべてを構築するだけです。しかし、私は長い時間には新し敵とかアニメをしなかった、だからこのゲームにはまだ多くの開発が残されている。開発のときは(Nocturneとして)当初は短くまとめたかった、せめてMRろりも。完成するには4とか5時間くらいたぶん。でも今はたいていの人はそれよりもずっと長い時間がかかるだろう私は確認できる。すべてを探そうとしなくたら、おそらく10-15時間くらいはかかるだろう。時間をかけてステージ数を減らしたとはいえ、既存のステージの多くは2倍の大きさになり、100%にするためにはバックトラックをしなければならず、前進できないこともある。今は多くの鍵アイテッムもある、だからポ―ズの画面の下の表示するよりも別のメニューを作って考えっている。